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Dealing with Being Ghosted When it Really Hurts

Welcome back to another Girl Talk!

This week I want to talk about being ghosted because it’s happened to all of us. You know I keep things real here so I’m going to be a bit vulnerable in this post. I’m writing this one with personal experience as the reason behind its inspiration. We’ve all been ghosted, but every once in a while there is one that really stings when it happens.

I was ghosted recently by a guy I was really into and it stung because it came out of nowhere. Usually, I’m not really feeling it or it happens within a day or so of when we first started talking. This one was edging on almost three weeks and suddenly he stopped answering my texts. I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t need to drown my sorrows because I did. I had a wine cooler during the Game of Thrones finale. Yes, I was tempted during that to send another text just to get some kind of closure, but that would have been a mistake. I probably would have sent something I would have wished I hadn’t. Instead, I took a breather and dropped it until I was in a place where I could think clearly without letting emotion control me.

I was going between “well it’s his loss” and “what did I do?”, but I’m taking a different approach after finding Matthew Hussey on YouTube. He has a video about ghosting that really helped me. I highly recommend you check him out.

Learn from It

I using it as an opportunity to learn and better myself. I can be very hesitant at times in dating and I’m working on being more open and learning not to freeze up. I’ve learned that it’s okay to make the first move instead of waiting to be chased. I’ve also learned that I may enjoy flirting more than some guys. It just means I will know what to look for in the next guy.

Move On

This one can be hard to do, but I did it. I turned around and texted a guy I know who will always make me smile. He got my mind off of it. I didn’t take a break from the apps like I’ve done in the past and I moved on. If something is meant to be then it will be.

Don’t Waste Time and Energy on It

I could have easily wasted time and energy on this, but it isn’t worth it. Instead, I focused on things that are worth my time and energy like this blog. It would suffer if I focused on something that I couldn’t control and in return, my followers wouldn’t get the posts they look forward too.

Give Yourself a Boost

I just happened to have had a hair appointment scheduled already so I got a needed boost in the form of a new sassy style. I also have been wearing red lipstick because it always gives me a boost when I wear it. My hair is one of the ways I express myself and give myself a boost when I need it so this was appointment was perfect timing.

Talk About It

I’ve talked to a friend, wrote this blog post, and also wrote about it in my journal and that has helped a whole lot. It gets all the feelings out in a good way and helps process it all because It’s okay to be hurt.

Make a Playlist

I have a playlist of songs that make me happy that I listen to when I want to lift my mood. A playlist of sad songs wouldn’t help so I stay away from those.

Just remember to be you and don’t over analyze. Since writing this I have started talking to another guy. So far so good.

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